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Class System:

This server operates on a 3 strike basis that gets reset every 4 months. 


Each case will be judged on a case by case basis by the admin and mod team. I need proof, so screenshots or video of the incident. 


If a player receives 3 strikes they will be banned.


Certain violations are required to be reported within 7 days for them to have a punishment.


If you have a problem with someone breaking the rules or any other issue contact the admins or mods in the Discord don't just talk about it on global. 


We reserve the right to up the class amount on any of the rules if we believe its malicious. The class system exists to let unintentional shit slide once, however if I see you abusing it you will be banned.

If you want to move from PVE to PVP you wont be able to take anything with you, it will be a fresh start to limit players from building up in pve then moving to PVP.

  1. No combat logging. This means if they see you (the player green triangle) on their radar,  or they are shooting and you log you broke this rule. Flying a ship, hv or motorbike in eye sight of the attacking vessels and logging is also considered combat logging (Class 2)

    1. It it still combat logging if they defeat your ships and defenses and you logout because "I have nothing left to defend with" They won they get to loot you.​

    2. Also I will turn off the offline protection of a faction if they get two combat logging charges no matter if its the same person form the first charge or just another member doing it.

    3. Combat is determined by both factions seeing each other. Once this occurs combat has been initiated.

    4. Real life does take precedence but I will see a pattern if you just "Have to go" every time someone attacks you.

  2. No placing turrets in water or underwater (Class 1)

  3. No bases under the mantle (this is the red lava portion not just ground) (Class 3)

  4. No "spawn camping" (building bases within automatic turret fire range) this includes warp in points. This does not include someone killing you over and over again while they loot your base or kill you in an attempt to keep you out of a fight that you were killed in. (Class 2)

  5. Keep general chat cleanish; I don't care about trolling a little, cursing, and or some smack talk but if there is an ongoing issue get a room and duke it out. (Class 1)

  6. No exploitation of infinite lives system or other similar exploits. Example do not spawn over and over again to waste base ammo, this includes using your drone for same purpose. Do not use a drone when in range of a turret it causes glitches. (Class 3)

  7. No harasssing. Example if you wipe or partial wipe someone do no show up to their bases again for a little while. (This is subjective but you get the point) (Class 2-3)

  8. No promotion of other servers or unfounded accusations against people in general chat or any Discord channel. Message an admin with your proof, if no proof is presented the accusation will be ignored. You need proof when accusing I don't want to see "mods are abusing game " without proof to back it up. If you have proof of an admin or mod abusing send it to Mage.(Class 2-3)

  9. Attack within reason. This means if you are attacking you may have up to 3x the number of defenders actively attacking (more may be waiting in somewhere else to swap and cycle through, also this rule is considered to not change through the fight if you shoot and they have 3 you can hit with 9 even if one logs off).

    1. This rule does not apply if the small faction is attacking you, is in your space (including your origin space when they are not in your origin) without consent from your faction, and or is allied with a faction you are at war with! (Class 2-3) Being outnumbered 2v1 or even 3v1 is not what this rule is for. This is for when small factions are being beat up on by much larger factions. Do not hide behind this rule it will require a large outnumbering force to put this into effect.​

    2. This rule is for when you are attacking a base, outside combat when there is no base in sight is not limited.

  10. Do not always attack when you know people need to go to bed. Example attacking a faction the minute half of them log off and it's 3 in the morning this causes real life issues not just game issues (Class 2). You need to announce to the attacking faction that you need to go for irl and why and The admins and mods will still review your case if they find you doing this all the time at different times you will be banned. This rule is subjective and will be enforced case by case when evidence is given. Do not hide behind this and combat log. You will receive a punishment if you do.

  11. No permanent buildings in the core zones (erestrum, zascosium, gold and core space systems). Remember new players need to mine here as well; it's ok to kill people or extort them here but no bases. (Class 1)

  12. Do not sit in PvE zones once you reach level 25. Get off the starter planet by level 25. The starter systems will be wiped every week. I am aware of restarting your character to do this I will ban you if I see alternate characters tied to your stuff and other such issues. This applies to the Core. Go there trade get out I will delete your ship and base if I see it there for extensive amounts of time. (Class 3)

  13. Keep bases within 15km of a celestial body in space (planet, if there is no planet 15km from the center of the xyz coordinate grid), if you do not they will be deleted.

  14. Keep all ships bases etc within 500 device  it'll help with the lag you guys get when fighting. They maybe deleted if they are not under 501.

  15. Do not use Offline Protection exploits. 

    1. Examples:​

      1. Dropping a cv with OLP onto an enemy base then logging so it kills them.​

      2. Creating dummy factions or private characters to use the OLP timer to protect your base while you are still on.

  16. We do not allow players to use multiple alt accounts to play on. This causes issues with camping others and OLP exploits as well as other issues. (Class 2.)

  17. The core is PvE to facilate the marketplace, you are not allowed to base or store anything there. You will get no warnings your stuff will be deleted if its been there for over 2 hours.

Rules Explaining Video

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